May 312013
I am not sure who posted this one online, but thank you to the author, it really does say it all. One more for the road, as a dedicated Flickr user (was) I just have to post one more article before we leave for the summer. Flickr cannot deny that with dedicated photographers it would never have become a photography dynasty in terms of websites for photography. 29,536 photographers (actually more than that) posted t
 Posted by at 7:00 am
Feb 182013
We are only too aware of how Jesus was exploited and continues to be exploited every Christmas so that some people get rich, while others struggle to buy gifts their children expect because the media has set them up with these expectations. We are also bitterly aware of how religion is being exploited for financial gain, for sexual favor, for power and to hide abuse against others. Does that make Jesus or God bad
 Posted by at 11:32 am
Feb 052013
How often have you heard of someone who lost their password in email, social media or the many other accounts that use a password? Lost, well that’s not really the problem were dealing with here, stolen passwords however are a significant problem for many people, so lets deal with it.     We all do our best to keep people away from our passwords but that’s not always possible. Case in point, this
 Posted by at 11:40 am
Feb 022013
There are times when an image speaks for itself better than any long drawn out commentary. So we created a special section for them called the Speaking Images Library.     From Small Pox to Isa Virus, it’s amazing what First Nations have had to endure, and it’s still far from over.     JLS ……For What It’s Worth
 Posted by at 4:24 pm
Jan 152013
Are you one of those people who read articles online, then feel compelled to comment, only to discover the people posting there look like they are stupid enough to be comic book characters from the Stone Age? Well you’re not alone, today I decided to dedicate a piece just for them, and hey, who knows we might actually educate a few white racist dummies in the process. Oh oh, I did say white? That’s discriminati
 Posted by at 12:03 pm
Jan 062013
Like many of you out there I have a lot of concerns about the way Harper pretends he is the sole owner of Canada, and his disgraceful attitude that we are at his loyal subjects, as though he earned the right to be the King of the Hill, when reality shows that in the history of Canada, there is no record of any party that cheated and deceived the public as badly as Harper’s Conservatives. Far more disgraceful is
 Posted by at 2:34 pm
Dec 042012
As a rule, I try to stay off the topic of religion here, but people are so desperately trying to push other peoples buttons it’s time to speak up in self-defense. It’s time to call a spade a spade.     One of the many hurtful things people do to each other is to try their best to stick it to those who do not subscribe to the same ideology or beliefs that they do, and based on what I see daily in soci
 Posted by at 3:22 pm
Nov 202012
  There are times when an image speaks for itself better than any long drawn out commentary. So we created a special section for them called the Speaking Images Library.       When the Nazis came for the communists,  I remained silent;  I was not a communist.   When they locked up the social democrats,  I remained silent; When they came for the Jews, Palestinians,  I remained silent;  I wasn&
 Posted by at 9:33 am
Oct 252012
We, the people of Canada will not honor nor do we condone the Canada-China Investment Treaty, nor do we appreciate how China has treated Canadians and obviously China is becoming the single greatest threat to Canada since WWII and most sadly so with the help of an insider who cheated to become the Prime Minister of Canada. We the people do not appreciate how you are buying up all our resources and shipping them out
 Posted by at 8:06 am
Oct 192012
It blows my mind when you see a company like EBay work as the doorway for illicit fakes which are illegal in Canada and the USA. Reporting them to EBay is an absolute waste of time, because based on all the items I have seen where people report the items as counterfeit, EBay simply ignores the complaints. Does Ebay know about these counterfeit goods? Sure they do, they even have pages on their website that talk abo
 Posted by at 9:08 am
Jul 192012
How many of you wonder just how much of Communist China is Harper adopting for Canada? I have long maintained that when you pay less than the cost of living, you are subsidizing your employer’s income with your own. However it pales in comparison to allow people who work with a gun to their head, being sent by demand, or by way of financial desperation to work in Canada doing everything from skilled labour to ser
 Posted by at 2:13 pm
May 272012
Today Facebook has taken censorship to a whole new level; it is silencing those who wish to share an article, an opinion piece, backed with lots of facts. Hello world, why is it so important that no one is allowed to know just what you’re eating when you eat Mainstream Canada’s fish? The question is, have they crossed the line? Are they violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Is Facebook now join
 Posted by at 7:22 am
Apr 152012
In the world of politics I have yet to come across a better written constitution than the one drafted by the Social Credit Party in British Columbia a decade or two ago. What I like about it was that you did not have to be a right winger to be able to support it; you did not have to be left leaning or a leftist to support it. It was simply a great set of rules for you and me, and my neighbor and the guy across the
 Posted by at 1:44 pm
Mar 282012
“Industry apologist gone amok”  by Robert Corlett   As a person who considers himself a friend of Odd Grydeland, I feel compelled to respond to his piece titled “Environmentalism gone amok”.   Industry apologist gone amok Canada: salmon farming activist in British Columbia sets off a heated response that results in Rob wanting to put his hands on Odd’s throat and giving his head a s
 Posted by at 9:51 am
Mar 222012
Updated: May 23, 2013 First I would like to thank all those people and organizations whom we did not give credit to for the information we are using in order to help people understand as well as to be able to provide them with quick reference material when debating the issues surrounding the Northern Gateway Project. If you find the information on this page valuable, then bookmark it before you forget. Don’t
 Posted by at 9:36 am
Mar 212012
Many of you are like me; we get up each day, grab a coffee and read the news. I am sure that many of you would agree with me when I say that during our quite moments of peaceful reading we read things that made us so angry we would want to rip up the paper and fire it the trash can. Well today is one of those kinds of days. Why on God’s green earth, would we replace anything we get for free, namely free healthy f
 Posted by at 8:56 am
Feb 262012
Editor’s Note: This is part seventy-four of a series of testimonies given by our aboriginal neighbors. We are posting these in an attempt to allow everyone to better understand just how badly Canada has neglected the first nations of Canada. These are the words submitted to the JRP Hearings, to Enbridge and to the Government of Canada.   ORAL PRESENTATION BY CHIEF LEIGHTON   CHIEF LEIGHTON: Thank you. �
 Posted by at 2:18 pm
Feb 252012
UPDATED FEB 29th 2012 Without a doubt there is an all-out war to kill off what remains of our traditional and natural salmon and other species of fish that inhabit the rivers and coastline of British Columbia. Primarily in the headlines today is the deadly poisonous snake called “Northern Gateway” that starts in Alberta plans are set to have it pump its toxins into Supertankers and any subsequent disaster is wo
 Posted by at 5:14 pm
Feb 132012
Most people today look at Harper’s monopoly of Parliament Hill as a means to the end for the oil barons in Alberta. But a much bigger leak than oil seems to be trickling out. There is only one thing more disturbing about the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project than the environmental damage it will cause, that being the level of corruption, lies and deceit are being used by China inside Canada with permissi
 Posted by at 11:44 am
Feb 032012
Editor’s Note: This is part sixty-eight of a series of testimonies given by our aboriginal neighbors. We are posting these in an attempt to allow everyone to better understand just how badly Canada has neglected the first nations of Canada. These are the words submitted to the JRP Hearings, to Enbridge and to the Government of Canada ORAL PRESENTATION BY DR. AVE DERSCH DR. DERSCH: Hello, my name is Ave Dersch. I
 Posted by at 8:02 am