Oct 202013
JLS is back from summer vacation and he is hopping mad! I have been holding my tongue all summer long and trust me; it was like trying to sit on explosives while all the crooks (mostly in our corporate run government) were having a field day our expense. Just when you thought the oil industry would become more honest and more trustworthy and BAM the slap in the face insult, I guess to honor our stupidity. I guess w
 Posted by at 5:17 pm
May 302013
I am going to wrap up this season with a story that really is getting under my skin, so that I can get it out of my system before we leave here for the summer. (We will be back in late fall) Let me begin by quoting Anthony Murphy who wrote this song sung by the Irish Rovers. “One day my ma’s relations came round to visit me. Just as my father’s kinfolk were all sittin’ down to tea. We tried to
 Posted by at 9:58 am
May 272013
In an effort to bring more attention to save our environment from to both corporate and political agenda’s that have come close to removing all safeguards that our forefather set up, we are highlighting and bringing attention to following filmed documentaries. Please note we are sharing these not to take attention away from the original postings, but rather to add attention to them. Whenever possible click on
 Posted by at 2:13 pm
May 272013
Introduction:  The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, and they may also contain addition
 Posted by at 7:54 am
May 272013
Introduction:  The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, and they may also contain addition
 Posted by at 6:44 am
May 252013
Introduction:  The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, and they may also contain addition
 Posted by at 5:44 pm
May 252013
Introduction:  The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, and they may also contain addition
 Posted by at 1:47 pm
May 252013
Introduction:  The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films, may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, they may also contain additional
 Posted by at 1:01 pm
May 252013
Introduction:  The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films, may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, they may also contain additional
 Posted by at 12:51 pm
May 252013
Introduction: The films we are featuring in this new section are being made available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Many of these very important films, may still be available from their original websites, we do encourage readers to check the links and watch them there, they may also contain additional in
 Posted by at 7:48 am
Feb 182013
We are only too aware of how Jesus was exploited and continues to be exploited every Christmas so that some people get rich, while others struggle to buy gifts their children expect because the media has set them up with these expectations. We are also bitterly aware of how religion is being exploited for financial gain, for sexual favor, for power and to hide abuse against others. Does that make Jesus or God bad
 Posted by at 11:32 am
Feb 022013
There are times when an image speaks for itself better than any long drawn out commentary. So we created a special section for them called the Speaking Images Library.     From Small Pox to Isa Virus, it’s amazing what First Nations have had to endure, and it’s still far from over.     JLS ……For What It’s Worth
 Posted by at 4:24 pm
Feb 022013
There are times when an image speaks for itself better than any long drawn out commentary. So we created a special section for them called the Speaking Images Library.      JLS ……For What It’s Worth
 Posted by at 10:58 am
Jan 282013
I am sure you all have heard about the great Canadian diamonds, many of you today proudly wear a De Beers diamond on your wedding finger right? Think about it, where do diamonds come from? Most people would mentally connect diamonds with Africa, and with a bit more thought visualize black men, women and children working as slaves for whom? [i] Think about the contrast, rich white men in suits and ties in plush con
 Posted by at 1:53 pm
Jan 232013
Smokers know it, non-smokers know it, people who care know it, and people who don’t care know it. Know what? People know that the government is collecting massive truckloads of cash from those citizens who are addicts. They are taking advantage of people’s addiction, for profit. You would think that people who cry out for cash for the Canadian Cancer Society would have suggested that the taxes collected on cig
 Posted by at 11:12 am
Jan 222013
OK its tax time again, and Revenue Canada thinks that everyone old enough to vote has also been gifted with the knowhow of a certified accountant. They expect everyone in Canada to be capable of understanding exactly what they can or cannot do in regards to income tax. They keep saying over and over again, it’s simple, horse shit it’s not simple, and every year its gets more and more complicated so your forcin
 Posted by at 5:20 pm
Jan 152013
Are you one of those people who read articles online, then feel compelled to comment, only to discover the people posting there look like they are stupid enough to be comic book characters from the Stone Age? Well you’re not alone, today I decided to dedicate a piece just for them, and hey, who knows we might actually educate a few white racist dummies in the process. Oh oh, I did say white? That’s discriminati
 Posted by at 12:03 pm
Jan 072013
Every now and then you read an article and you think, wow, this applies here in Canada as well, that’s what happened to me when I read the article written by Michael Moore titled Those Who Say “I Support the Troops” Should Just Stop, Out of Respect for the Troops. So please forgive me Michael for putting a Canadian twist on an all too familiar problem. Like Michael I am sick of hearing people claim th
 Posted by at 9:17 am
Jan 062013
Like many of you out there I have a lot of concerns about the way Harper pretends he is the sole owner of Canada, and his disgraceful attitude that we are at his loyal subjects, as though he earned the right to be the King of the Hill, when reality shows that in the history of Canada, there is no record of any party that cheated and deceived the public as badly as Harper’s Conservatives. Far more disgraceful is
 Posted by at 2:34 pm
Dec 062012
(with the consent of your federal government) Have you ever wondered why stupid pet stories get more coverage than the death and destruction of our natural habitat? Have you ever wondered why a trivial news item gets more minutes of air time than the death of thousands of people outside of your back yard? Have you ever wondered why when only 2,996 people were killed in the 9/11 attack, it continues to get more co
 Posted by at 3:33 pm