Dressed like whores demanding to be treated like ladies.
Its hard for people, ladies included, not to say that this plague called #MeToo has not taken on epidemic proportions, men all over the world (the ones with money or fame) are falling victim in the most despicable witch-hunt in modern history.
Its hard to imagine females (I refuse to call them women, they are more evil animal like in nature than women are) who cannot remember being abused for months, weeks, years, decades and suddenly when you have a coming out party for feminists, every feminist wants to scream #MeToo.
I really feel bad for real women who are subjected to real sexual harassment, because now they have simply become a grain of sand on the beach, drowned out by the feminist movement trying to control the world.
More appalling is that it makes men completely vulnerable to malicious and false accusations, where the accuser do not even have to file a legal or criminal case against the accused. It makes a mockery out of our justice system, it make a mockery out of government itself, and put malicious people in control of our media.
#WeNeedaLaw that puts these people in jail, if then cannot back up their accusations with rock solid evidence, and not the bullshit that you can take a woman’s word as concrete evidence, but a mans is merely an opinion. Give them the same sentence as those guilty of rape.
#WeNeedaLaw that put justice back into our country, and ends this reign of terror on men.
Thanks for having taken the time to read what I have shared with you,