On your own dime, if you want to protest.
“We need to end taxpayer subsidized attacks on society.”
With an election looming around the corner, its high time we get our demands list ready in exchange for our vote. A time when we might be able to end the insanity of a few standing in the way of the majority of society.
There are two ways people can protest, one is making a statement without breaking the law, then the other where you break the law enough to hurt other citizens. We need a return to the law where your rights to swing your fist, end before they hit my nose.
Protests today allow people to hurt others, as well as doing it at the victims expense, we need a correction in our laws to end this.
Do not get me wrong, protesting is a fundamental right, but only if it’s done within the confines of the law. We cannot create exceptions due to religion, gender, or DNA selected races.
When people break the law, in protesting, it results in massive wasted costs passed on to taxpayers. We need a law the demands damage costs to be paid for by those people who break the law.
“When those breaking the law use crowd funding in order to exercise deliberate violations of the law, those are proceeds of crime.”
When police are called in to manage, monitor or stop illegal activities, the costs of those illegal activities should be demanded from the people involved in committing those acts. The crown must sue for damages, and GoFundMe accounts should be frozen to determine is they are proceeds of crime.
For close to 8 years there was an illegal blockade denying law abiding citizens of their rights with zero measures taken by goverment to protect the rights of those citizens.
“We need our political candidates to insure this injustice will never happen again.”
As of this date we know that the activities of the Unist’ot’en who were named in the court order, and were actively part of the second blockade at the 44 kilometer mark have at their disposal raised $286,119.55
An audit of the bank account under the name of “Tse Wedi Eltlh” must be done immediately, as they are soliciting funds in that name. They should not be allowed to hide proceeds of crime under various account names.
We are also aware they have other fund raisers as well, and all of it should be used first to pay the policing costs that they are 100% responsible for.
We need a law that requires permits before a protest can and where it can be held, and within rules to insure the public is not left paying their expenses. It not hard to draft a law that allows the fundamental right to protest without the protest becoming a burden on society.
The law is very specific about blockades, even so much as getting it a special mention in regards to blockades by aboriginals.
From 2013 “In the latest important decision from the Supreme Court of Canada on aboriginal law, the court held that individual members of an Aboriginal group cannot invoke “self-help” remedies—such as blockades—when claiming that the government breached its duty to consult the Aboriginal group before making a decision affecting the group. “
Supreme Court of Canada holds Aboriginal rights cannot be used to justify road blockades.
Thanks for having taken the time to visit and read our articles. I had my say, feel free to post your thoughts as well, be part of making a difference.

Do you believe that all laws throughout time have been just and should have been followed dutifully?